Thursday, August 30, 2018

Weekly Message

A Message from Mrs. Council

Image result for car

Morning Car Rider Procedures:

Car Riders should not be let out of your vehicle in the morning until 7:30 am. Please do not let students out before that time due to safety concerns. Staff members are not on duty until 7:30 am. Also, please make sure you pull all the way down before letting children out to maximize the drop-off line.


Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Money Due Sept.10th

Please do not forget to participate in this annual fundraiser. The fundraiser has provided classroom supplies and playground equipment.

September 3rd - No school

September 6th - Open House

Parent & Admin Conversation in the Multipurpose Room (Gym) - 6 pm - 6:15pm
Classroom Session 1 6:20 pm - 6:50 pm
Classroom Session 2 6:55 pm - 7:25 pm

September 7th - First Friday Breakfast and Parent Academy

Breakfast 7:15 am -8:00 am