Friday, May 31, 2019

Weekly Updates

A message from our School Nurse

This is a reminder that all medications must be picked up from school health rooms by noon Thursday, June 6, 2019. Medications are not kept in the health room over the summer.  Please pick up all over-the-counter and prescription medications (inhalers, Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Thursday, June 6th at 12 noon.  Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed. We cannot send medications home with students

Attention 2nd-4th Grade Parents

2nd,3rd, and 4th Grade Awards Day is June 3rd 9 - 10 am

June 5th -6th

Half Day
Half Days are the 5th-6th 11 am dismissal

6th -Last Day of School for Students

June 7th

No School

Please be sure to update information and register for next year! 
You can do this on Parent Portal. Scroll down on the left side and click Annual Registration