Thursday, October 24, 2019

Weekly Updates CiCi's, Testing, and Half Day

October 24th

Cici's Family Night 5pm - 7pm

Sandhills Location

Be sure to say you are with Killian!

It's getting cold outside. Please remember to pick up jackets at our lost and found.

October 21, 23, & 24

October 28-29, 2019

Second Grade Students will be administered the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) on October 21, 23, & 24, and the Iowa Assessments (IA) October 28-29, 2019.

In an effort to make testing go smoothly, please be sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep prior to the test and is at school on time each day of testing, as testing will take place during the first portion of each day.  

October 25th

End of First Nine Weeks and Report Cards Go Home on October 31st!

October 28th -November 1st

Benchmark Assessments for Grades 3-5

November 1st

Half Day/STEAM Day